Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Heart Food

Time to admit it - this has not been my week. I will make up for the days I have missed by posting more than one thing at some point.

Today I am thankful for cooking and food. I love food. A lot. Probably more than the average person. It makes me happy. I could never be that person who doesn't eat good food in order to be super skinny. I love it way too much. I also really enjoy cooking food. I love cooking old recipes and trying to perfect my mom's. When I try to make a dish of hers and it turns out (never quite like hers, but still good), it makes my heart -- and stomach -- smile and makes me feel like I'm not quite as far away from her. I also love making new recipes. Cooking is exciting and makes me just feel good. The best part is cooking for my family or people I care about and my food making them happy. I always get nervous cooking for people, but when they take a big bite and it brings a smile to their face, it makes me happy.

I'm really hoping to start putting some recipes on here. I always seem to forget to take pictures! I also pretty much never measure when I cook, which makes it a little difficult! But I am going to try to figure out measurements of my favorites and start sharing them on here to bring a little bit of food happiness from my home to yours!

Monday, November 7, 2011

One of those days

Today has just been one of those days. I'm feeling a little better, but still not great. My day isn't over until 9:30pm, and so far, it's just been a hectic day. I've been stressed, had a lot to do, and felt like I've been in a hurry all day. Despite all of that, I made the commitment to be thankful. So, today I am thankful for decongestant medication and a nice, warm bed to crawl into tonight when I get home.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I've come to realize a few things just recently - first of all, I have not been good at posting on here. Let's face it - I have sucked at posting on here. I would really like to get in the habit of posting here regularly.

Secondly, I've been cranky a lot lately. Partly, I'm sure, because I haven't been feeling well. But I've found myself often feeling just exhausted and complaining about everything in my head. Of course there are some things that deserve to be complained about, but I've decided I'm tired of being so cranky. So I'm going to try to do better.

I've been grumbling to myself every time I see holiday stuff up. I'm not ready for the holidays. I'm sure it's partly because I feel so far away from my friends and all of my family, and the holidays always make that feeling so much stronger. To try to stop myself from feeling so bah-humbug-ish, and in an attempt to post here more often, I am going to try to post everyday until Thanksgiving of something that I am thankful for.

I'm hoping to go to bed tonight thinking of a list of things I'm thankful for, waking up feeling refreshed (and hopefully not so congested and sick!) and ready to start anew. :)


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Okay...So I suck at this...

Well, I think it's clear that so far, I suck at this blog thing. Dangit! I'll try to do better....

I wanted to do Wedding Wednesdays - which I still think is something I would like to do. My wedding is quickly approaching - it's only 52 days away. My head is FULL of all kinds of details; decorations, invitations, accommodations, music, food, cake, etc. And at the forefront, the vows that I have to start writing. Due in 2 weeks to our officiant -- haven't exactly started yet (Oops). I really thought I would have no problem writing vows - I'm one of those people who commonly writes a heartfelt novel in every card I give out. But currently, when I think about actually writing the words that I will say to my fiance on our wedding day that will seal our lives together that just have to be perfect, I feel an anxiety attack coming on. Like this:

Talk about pressure! So good luck to me on that and coming up with something better than "I love you forever, even though your farts smell." All that being said, right now it's all to much for me to figure out the ONE thing I should write a blog about in regards to our wedding. 

So, while trying to avoid being completely squishy and overly lovey, I figure before I go into Wedding Wednesdays - which will probably turn into more of a 'what to do' and 'what not to do' time after the wedding, I should probably tell a little bit about my fiance and I. So here goes.

I have a degree in Geology (Yay Rocks!) and I was working on a natural gas drilling rig.

The rig was a really interesting place to work as a woman - I worked 4 week shifts, in the middle of nowhere, stuck on a rig, with a whole bunch of guys who barely saw another woman for their 2 weeks on the rig. Some of you ladies may think this sounds great. But no. It was not great.

Then along came Travis. He definitely changed things for me. I started breaking my "I won't leave the rig alone with one guy" rule - typically I just needed to talk to a guy alone for more than 2 minutes and oh wow, I was sleeping with him! I was not even present for several sexual encounters that I apparently took part in. Fun stuff. Anyway, Travis and I would go hang out after work in one of our trucks, find our beer that we stashed somewhere under a bush (it wasn't allowed on site), listen to music, and talk. At the time, we kind of thought it sucked. That was the only way we could really hang out, but to be honest, I miss those times.

We had been hanging out for about 8 months at work, and after lots of getting to know each other, some ups and downs, and a little bit of playing hard to get from him, we decided I would come out to California to visit. We loved our time together and absolutely hated our time apart. As the end of the year came around, I knew that the rig was no longer a place for me, and we both knew I belonged with him in California. I quit my job and moved to Cali. He was gone half the time still on the rig, and we spent every moment together when he was home. We spent many-a-days making a bed up in the living room with sleeping bags watching hours of Bonanza (yes. Bonanza. Problem?). And with me being here more, his kids came into the picture more than I was used to. I was super nervous the kids would hate me. Knowing how important they were to him, I knew that would be bad news for me!

Good news is I fell in love with the kids and they love me back! There was an adjustment period for me getting used to them, as well as them getting used to me. But we all learned early on to work together as a family. I absolutely cherish the relationship that I have with those kids. Before too long, there was a wonderful engagement! We took the kids camping to Courtright (Travis' favorite camping spot). He took me for a walk by the lake, told me all kinds of sweet things. He asked me if he promised to love me forever, would I marry him? I said of course. We had had several conversations that we wanted to get married. I didn't realize it was actually a proposal. Once the ring was out, he got a "are you seriously proposing?!" and of course a "yes".

After some tears and excitement (and a shot of Crown), we went back to celebrate with the kids as a family.

Since then, Travis and I continued to get closer. They (whoever "they" are) always say that the first year of marriage is the hardest. Well, before getting married officially, we pretty much have gone through that year - we're basically already married without the certificate. There have been several struggles, but even more good times. A year and a half ago, we were that couple who was so lovey it was gross (according to my BFFs). We were so in love without having to deal with the stresses of everyday life together. But now, we are still very much in love, but more things come up. Sometimes we drive each other crazy. The important part is that we work on things as a team. We always love each other. I'm still crazy about him. No matter what, we always kiss each other good night and say "I love you" before falling asleep. He is my best friend and I could not be more excited about marrying him.

As for family life, if someone would have told me a few years ago that I would be marrying a man 10 years older than me and about to be a step-mom to teenagers at 26 years old, I would have laughed and called them crazy. But, I love my life. I love being a step mom to two of the most awesome kids you could ever imagine. My life is no longer going out, staying up late, or any of the other things that young 20-somethings do. I plan birthday parties, I go to bed early, I get up at 5:30 to make lunches and get the kids to school. I cook, I clean (still working at being better at this one!), I dry tears and lend a listening ear when needed. I go to football games, tennis matches, and band performances. I missed the diapers and bottles and boo-boos, and sometimes that makes me sad, but I cherish every moment that I have with those kids. I just hope that I can be an amazing step mom to them, as well as a great wife. And someday, I want to drink coffee from THIS mug:

Well, that's a little more background (and longer than I anticipated) into my life! Hopefully it won't be another month before I post again.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Silent Sunday

So, there are a few things that I want to do regularly on this blog. I know I want to do Wedding Wednesdays and talk about something wedding related on those days, and I also want to do Silent Sunday. It was going to be Wordless Wednesday, but Wednesday was busy, so here we have Silent Sunday! On Sunday, I'm going to just simply post a picture from the week that made me smile with a title - no description or anything, just the picture. This week you get an explanation behind the idea, but after this week, just a picture. This is what brought me joy this week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here We Go....

Here is my attempt to jump into the blog world. Welcome to my life!

I am a twenty-something facing a twenty-everything life. The twenties are a time of change for all people. Finding who you are, finding what you are going to do with your life, finding that special someone, and most importantly, finding yourself. Well, this blog is about my journey. Though my twenties are turning out differently than most. I was practically working and living the life of a gypsy with no place to officially call home with no one to take care of but myself. Then, like many people do, I moved 3,000 miles away from home. I'm now working on a project to fulfill an exciting career opportunity and dream. I'm planning a wedding (3 months away!). I learning how to go into this marriage successfully. And I am learning to be a mother figure to my fiance's two teenage kids (yes, teenage). I'm learning how to build a home and a family.

I never knew this is where life would take me, but I love it. This blog will be about funny things that happen, struggles I have, some rants and raves, some wedding planning, living on a budget, new recipes, etc. And yes, I may even talk about my kittens and puppies. This blog is about life.

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” – Mark Victor Hansen